Retraining My Brain

Retraining My Brain

Sometimes in life we need a shake up. Something that enters our life and makes us rethink what we’re doing and why. Aerial Dance has been incredible in so many ways for me, but nothing short of amazing in helping me retrain my brain in a season of my life I needed it...
Retraining My Brain

Pole Kisses

Each week, I look forward to my pole classes. I am excited to learn something new and take something home to practice. It’s definitely an activity you cannot get sick of! There are a lot of things that comes with being in a pole class: strength, flexibility,...
Retraining My Brain

Stronger Every Class

Aerial Dance has given me the strength both mentally and physically to do things I never would have imagined. I can walk into the studio with my head held high. I can walk into a studio full of beautiful, strong women, some I have never met but still greet me with a...
Retraining My Brain

Inspirational to Others

No matter your age, gender, or stage of life, having someone who inspires you to be the best version of yourself is always a positive thing. I truly feel there are so many individuals, students and instructors at Aerial that are true inspirations to me. I won’t...
Retraining My Brain

Thief of Joy

We have all heard the phrase growing up “comparison is the thief of joy”; and it still applies as an adult. You see, I have never truly been what others have considered to be athletically talented. Sure, I can pick up a game of volleyball or basketball, but I sure...
Retraining My Brain

Performing in the Annual Show

To be in the annual show is one of the most empowering, exhausting, challenging, and rewarding things you can do with Aerial Dance. The list of reasons to participate in the show is far far longer than I could write about.  And every show I participate in adds to the...
Retraining My Brain

Bonus Benefits of Aerial

I want to share my experience on unexpected benefits along my journey. When I started my journey with Aerial Dance I was shy and timid. It didn’t take long after I started to feel like like I belonged to a supportive family. I could see that this was a true...
Retraining My Brain

Photoshoot of a Lifetime

Shortly after starting my journey with Aerial they had announced they were going to be hosting a free fall themed outdoor photoshoot and I was ecstatic! I had never done a photoshoot before and had no idea what it was going to entail, but I was ready to take it on...
Retraining My Brain

A New Challenge: Hammock!

This week I decided to switch things up again and I decided to try out hammock!  I was surprised how different it is than the hoop and pole that I have been working on lately. It felt like I was using totally different muscles.  This seemed really...
Retraining My Brain

The Beginning of My Journey

I have been pole dancing for just over four years now and it is one of the only fitness programs that I have actively stayed with since I was in high school. Granted, since COVID hit there has been minor set backs with the shutdown and getting sick...