Staying Active as an Adult

Staying Active as an Adult

Working out is something that gets harder to do as the years go by. As a young child you have so much energy and always want to be running around and playing with your friends. While you grow up, you find a sport or two that you love and focus on that. Maybe you play...
Staying Active as an Adult

Mentally Strong

I have battled with my mental health for years, there have been some pretty low moments in that time but within these past two years I have been really diligent about staying on top of it all and making sure that I see any signs of my mental health slipping again. In...
Staying Active as an Adult

Pole Kisses

Is it weird to be proud of bruises? I didn’t used to think anything of them when I got them but now, I love to show them off.   I think bruises get a bad reputation because they usually only happen when you get hurt, and while I can’t say the methods in which I obtain...
Staying Active as an Adult


​Aerial Dance, specifically pole, has been a huge eye opener for me. It really has built a new part of me, shown me different ways to workout and actually have fun, and taught me new outlooks in everyday life. I get a sort of excitement each time I go to my class and...