Gains Through Bendy Babe

Gains Through Bendy Babe

Bendy Babe is a great class to continuously take and learn from and if you have the motivation, to bring some of the information home. Especially if you want to see results faster, working on these things at home four or more times a week will help you grow quickly in...

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Gains Through Bendy Babe

Practice Makes Progress!

How many of us don't take advantage of our practices each week? I know for a fact that I'm guilty of it. Sometimes I will get into a rhythm of using my practices and then I get distracted by all the other classes that are available. It is so easy to do. Who wouldn't...

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Gains Through Bendy Babe

Appreciating MY Body

I had struggled with being overweight for most of my life.  Growing up in school I had always been the outcast and had been bullied for being heavier than most.  I had tried everything to lose the weight and nothing ever really seemed to help.  I had picked up running...

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Gains Through Bendy Babe

The Right Environment

Throughout my journey at Aerial Dance not only have I found myself finding a new perspective on fitness, but also on mental health as well.  I find myself looking forward to going to class as it is my time to actually focus on myself and relax.  There are so many...

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Gains Through Bendy Babe

Creating Structure for Success

I don’t know how I ever worked out before I had structure.  Accountability. It always felt like a mental fight with myself to get up and do even a light workout.  I’ve been struggling with getting myself to be active after college and it gets harder the...

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Gains Through Bendy Babe

Fitting In

So throughout my whole childhood I always found myself as kind of the outcast when it came to sports and fitness.  I was always a little overweight and struggled to do some of the things that most of the kids were able to do easily. I truly wanted to get healthier and...

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A Nemesis Can Change

A Nemesis Can Change

If you are anything like me there's one apparatus that you usually avoid. We all have our favorites and find certain ones extremely difficult. For me, hoop is my nemesis. I have a love/hate relationship with it. I love watching people preform using the hoop. I find it...

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Forming a Community and Making Friends

Forming a Community and Making Friends

Finding community as an adult might be the hardest part about being an adult.  When you’re younger, your community is decided by your school, sports, or other activities your parents take you to. Theater, bowling leagues, even things like ninja gyms, all exist to...

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Gains Through Bendy Babe

From Aerial Dance to Flying Trapeze!

When I started my journey with Aerial Dance it was ironically for something completely unconventional.  I had decided to sign up for a flying trapeze and trick riding camp on horseback in Minnesota and had only a few weeks to get physically fit...

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Gains Through Bendy Babe

For Now, Be Here

This morning my Timehop popped up a meme I had saved from last year and it said “You will get there.  Until then, be here. This moment matters.” And my brain instantly went to aerial. Wow.  Does that statement ever scream to where I, and I’m sure many...

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Appleton Studio

1871 N. Silver Spring Drive
Appleton, WI 54913

Green Bay Studio

1601 Lawrence Drive
De Pere, WI 54115