Aerial Dance Green Bay

Aerial Dance Green Bay

We are crazy excited to announce that we are opening a second location!!!! Aerial Dance Green Bay is currently under construction. Our GRAND OPENING with be Thursday, September 6th with an Open House. We expect to start running classes in July. LOTS more information...

Register for May Pole!

Ha! May Pole! hehehe Register NOW for an 8-week Pole Course beginning April 29th and running through June 30! No Pole classes will be held May 24-30 in honor of Memorial Day so you’ll notice April 29-June 30 is 9 weeks and ends before the July 4th break! If you...

A Practice Pick-Me-Up

As many of you know, I had a year long pause in my pole journey last year while I had my first baby. A year is a long time and you lose much of your progress. In addition to losing pole progress, due to my complications of pregnancy I was put on bedrest which caused...

An Attitude of Gratitude

Do you ever get frustrated with life? Do you ever feel irritated for no apparent reason? Here are a few simple things you can do to get out of your funk and bring some joy back into your life: Step One: Grab some chocolate! Seriously… According to this article...

Stuck in a Rut

Small Victories! As of late, I have been hearing a reoccurring echo throughout the studio and it sounds sort of like this, “I am in a backslide and nothing is working!” Not once or even just twice have I heard similar opinion stated from various ladies at...