Falling in love with the journey.

Falling in love with the journey.

Starting a new sport is hard and a takes lot of work.  We want to be good at the sport right away.  News flash, if one could master a sport in just a few lessons, it wouldn’t be a sport.  The art of aerial takes things to a whole new level.  One...
Performing with Stage Fright

Performing with Stage Fright

I have stage fright. Ever since I can remember, I have always been incredibly anxious in public speaking situations. As a piano student, the thought of the biannual recital made my heart race, palms sweat, and mouth go dry. Still, I continue to push myself to perform,...
Creating Dance Cardio

Creating Dance Cardio

Words can’t describe how much I wanted Dance Cardio to be part of the Aerial Dance curriculum. I LOVE dancing. I love crazy all over the place dancing. I learning dance steps. I love going to Zumba classes and feeling absolutely uncoordinated but having a TON of fun....
Performing with Stage Fright

Healthy is Beautiful

I am so thankful I only caught the tail-end of the “skinny = pretty” era. In middle school, low (and extra low) rise jeans and skin-tight shirts were the only things the “popular” girls wore, complete with Ugg boots and straightened hair. Thankfully, these trends...
The Plateau

The Plateau

Plateau – defined it as “an area of relatively level high ground” or “a state of little or no change following a period of activity or progress”.  This second definition is the one that all of the aerialists I know eventually have experienced. When you are...