
Everyone Is Your Workout Buddy

I Need My Buddy I have heard a reoccurring whisper throughout the studio lately. With the new term just around the corner, many women are registering for classes. The whisper I continue to hear goes something like this, “Well I can’t do that class, because...

Just A Little Drop

Aerial is Always Full of Surprises I have been taking classes at Aerial Dance WI for almost five years, and classes are still surprising me! Surprises are not always a good thing in my book, but Aerial Dance always seems to make me surprise myself in a positive way....

Register for November Pole!

[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_column_text]Register now for Beginner Pole courses in November! The new Pole Term starts November 4th and ends of December 15th, just before the holidays. We have new pole courses starting at both our Appleton & Green...

Something New

It’s Been One of Those Terms Do you ever feel like each week you go to your pole class and nothing seems to work for you? That’s how I have felt the whole last term. My typical pole class is on Monday. For some reason this term, I felt like I have done...

An Amazing Community

Thank you! As many of you know, student and former Instructor in Training Laura was in terrible car accident. Last Friday, October 5, Aerial Dance in collaboration with Appleton Beer Factory hosted a fundraiser for her. The turn out for the fundraiser was impeccable!...