Instructor Training Log 10: Final Thoughts

Instructor Training Log 10: Final Thoughts

Well friends, it’s the final blog of my instructor training logs! I hope you’ve all enjoyed this journey with me as I reflected on the whole training process. While I could get cheesy and say something along the lines of I’ll never stop learning, and will always...
Building My Confidence

Building My Confidence

When I started to attend pole classes, I had no idea how much it would positively affect my confidence level and body image. My relationship with my body has always been a bit of a rollercoaster. I stepped on the scale more than I would really like to admit.  A lot of...
Building My Confidence

Lessons from Pole Class

 I have learned many lessons in taking beginner pole. It has been quite an experience and I am very excited to continue my pole journey. One lesson I have learned is that you don’t have to be flexible, fit or thin to pole dance. I always thought that you had to be a...
Instructor Training Log 10: Final Thoughts

In the Audience

I have blogged, and so have others, about the aerial shows in a few different ways and perspectives, yet, I don’t remember reading any about the experience as someone from the audience. I have experienced the annual show and the student showcase as a performer, and I...