Trying Silks

Trying Silks

Earlier this year (pre-covid19), I decided to try the other apparatuses because I was curious what they were like. It challenged me physcally as well as allowed me to try something new in addition to pole. The particular apparatus I wanted to try first was the silks....
The Show Must Go On!

The Show Must Go On!

The Eleventh Annual Aerial Dance Holiday Show will soon be upon us! I have to be honest here, I wasn’t sure this one was going to happen. I don’t think any of us were.  I know I’m preaching to the choir, but wow. It’s been weird. No one...
I Can’t Do That… YET!

I Can’t Do That… YET!

While we were at instructor training the other day (yes, your instructors go to class too!), I was trying a new move that was fairly outside of my wheelhouse and Paula commented that she was surprised I had tried it out.  At first, my instinct was to be mad and...