Gratitude for What I Found

Gratitude for What I Found

I remember like it was yesterday stumbling across Aerial Dance. I was new to Green Bay and nearly lost my mind with boredom. I decided to do some research on dance in the area, Aerial Dance instantly caught my attention. Dance has always been my first love, it’s...
Gratitude for What I Found

It’s Okay to Say “Not Today”

I’ve been going to the studio a lot more this month. With increased visits to the studio, it means more wear and tear on your body, meaning being sore a lot more often. It’s important to listen to your body when you’re sore but if I’m being honest I’m not always the...
Gratitude for What I Found

Share the Love!

The Aerial Dance studio has quickly become one of my favorite places to be.  I even don’t mind getting out of bed to go to the studio, and those closest to me know how big of a deal that is. When something becomes such a positive part of your life, you want...
Gratitude for What I Found

Give the Compliment, Accept the Compliment

There is a whole lot of science out there about compliments and the benefits of them.  Giving them, receiving them, being exposed to them; overall, compliments are a benefit to one’s health.  There is science that compliments benefit both the giver and...
Gratitude for What I Found

Happiness Through These Doors

The amount of support that you receive during these classes is a lot of the reason that I continue to walk through the doors every week.  Like so many other women, I am not 100% pleased with my body. I know the way that my body used to be and how...