
Dear Pole Mama

Dear Fellow Pole Mama, I share your struggles, I know your burdens, I feel you worry, hurt and frustration. I was talking with a friend of mine about my pole fitness the other day when she asked why I chose to continue to pole dance after having my daughter. I...

From Dark to Light

Have you ever had a class where nothing goes right? Moves you’ve been able to do for months fail you as you slide to the floor like a limp noodle… Confidence shattered, frustration rising, self-confidence shaken. I had this exact pole class Wednesday night. I left...

How Do You Define Healthy?

Women’s Health Week This week is National Women’s Health Week. If you were to ask me last Sunday what that meant, I wouldn’t have been able to tell you. I probably been like “Yea! Go Women!” Aerial Dance has been posting various...

I Have An Addiction

Do you ever do something to feel a rush? A sense of euphoria? Momentary ecstasy? I do… If someone had told me 5 years ago that I would dance in front of 500 people, I would have laughed in their face. I’ve always been the shy girl who sits in the corner. I could go to...

A One, a Two, a Three, Four!

Counting Gone Wrong! In my last blog, I posted that I have been with Aerial Dance for three years! Turns out, thanks to an appreciation card sent to me by Aerial Dance, my first class was on April 30, 2014! That means that last month I celebrated FOUR YEARS! I repeat...