That Scary C Word… Conditioning!

That Scary C Word… Conditioning!

I want to take some time to discuss one of our least favorite things to work on at the studio, but one of the most important… conditioning! It is probably the part of class that most of us dread the most. There is a reason conditioning is featured in any class...
Our Bodies Change

Our Bodies Change

Our bodies change. And they change constantly.  Over my two and a half years as a student at Aerial, my body has gone through a TON of changes.  My weight has fluctuated up and down a 50 pound swing, I had a miscarriage, I had a uterine surgery, I had a baby. I see...
That Scary C Word… Conditioning!

Quick Start to Goal Setting

I wanted to take some time to talk about goals. This blog is as much for me as it is everyone else. Setting attainable goals for ourselves and working towards them is so impactful. I also struggle with setting goals for myself but when I did set goals, I got more...
Our Bodies Change

Empowerment Through a Variety of Classes

Since starting my journey with Aerial Dance I feel so incredibly empowered, and like I have become a much better version of myself.  I feel like I am unstoppable and so much stronger than I ever could have imagined.  I am constantly pushing myself to do more and learn...
Our Bodies Change

Focusing on YOUR Journey

I know this topic has been talked about time and time again but it’s an important subject so I think reminders are always a good thing. Sometimes we forget and get in our own heads and let our insecurities get the best of us. You just started your pole journey...