

. 2016 is coming to a close, and at this point in time we remember the resolutions we had set for ourselves at the beginning of the year. Maybe you were going to workout more, eat better, try to become more financially stable, visit family more, or even travel the...

Beware of the Internet

The internet is the best and worst thing ever. We all love the rabbit hole of Instagram videos watching amazing feats of beauty in the air for hours (usually accidentally….I swear I was just going to look for a few minutes….three hours later…) The...

TTFN–Ta Ta For Now….

First off, GREAT JOB on the Christmas Show everyone! Those were BEAUTIFUL routines, and you all did AMAZING. I just read Paula’s blog post about the headaches that come with the show, so a BIG thanks to her and the instructors for all the hard work they put in...

'Tis the Season

Hello Everyone!!!   Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!!   I just have to share my parents gorgeous Christmas tree with all of you! It is 13ft tall and takes almost a week to put up. ‘ Tis the season for the flu, colds, and other yucky illnesses. I was...

The work you don't see

After the Christmas Show one of the main comments I get from students is that they would like to have two shows a year. And every instructor promptly says “NO”. Why? Because to put on a show of that magnitude is an insane amount of work for the...