Just Try It, You Might Like it!

Just Try It, You Might Like it!

If you would have asked me a few years ago if I would ever consider doing aerial dance, I would’ve told you you’re crazy.  I never in a million years thought I would be strong enough to do it.  This past year I took a leap of faith and decided...
Just Try It, You Might Like it!

Aerial is for Everyone

I have been very open about sharing my pole journey. I am so proud of how far I have come. The love and support I receive is amazing. However, those same women who praise me follow up with: “I could never do that.” “Maybe when I lose weight, I am too big.” Or “I...
Just Try It, You Might Like it!

Growth and Lessons Learned

The growth I find each term keeps me coming back.  Every class I get just a little bit further. Each small amount of success, each bruise, each struggle brings me back.  I am a competitive person by nature and each week I’m trying to be better than last week.  Each...