I want to brag about our community! I freaking love it and what Aerial Dance has created! I’ve been able to get to know some incredible women and create some really cool friendships with said women! Like we all come from different backgrounds and walks of life but we can all come together to hang out at minimum once a week to do something we all enjoy – Aerial! Every person I continue to meet is so interesting and cool and I like that we get to hang out in class and laugh together, struggle together and just enjoy learning new tips and tricks.
I was at a pole practice a little while ago and I keep thinking about my interaction with the other women there. It was so fun and uplifting and even though we all aren’t at the same level, we were still cheering each other on or trying to help another out to figure out how to get into a move. Getting the mats out to have under us while on the pole, which was super helpful! I felt so full of joy offering up some advice on how to get into superman and everytime she would try it out, the whole front studio would just erupt in cheers and encouragement as she attempted transitioning into superman! It was just a super fun morning to spend together and left me feeling motivated for the rest of the day too.
I also love how creative everyone is! Whether it’s seeing people post their pole or hammock wins online or going to Stitch N B*ch and seeing everyone create new things or work on something they’re currently working on. It’s just so inspirational to be around such creative individuals all the time! Stitch N B*tch was such a cool idea to create and to showcase other talents everyone has, I mean I can only paint things I find on pinterest usually and they’re okay but seeing other people crochet or draw original characters or make cosplays, are so COOL!!! Everyone is so talented and it’s just so fun to see what everyone can do outside of their aerial abilities!
To all my creative and amazing girlies out there, keep doing you girl! You’re crushing it! Even if you’re just starting out with aerial or a new craft project or hobby, keep going! With practice you’ll become amazing and incredible and keep sharing your wins! I can’t wait to meet more incredible people and learn their incredible abilities!