Mental Health & MY Journey

Mental Health & MY Journey

Mental health is a huge part of the worlds population.  To alleviate these feelings some, meditate, do yoga, go to the gym, what ever they can do to calm their anxieties or depression. As someone who suffers from anxiety and depression,...
Mental Health & MY Journey

Stick With It!

I started my pole journey March of 2022. It is one of the best decisions I have made and the most fun I have ever had doing any type of work out. Working out at the gym made me feel awkward and out of place, and I felt like everyone was judging me. But at Aerial Dance...
Mental Health & MY Journey

Good Vibes All Around

Walking into class each week, it’s nice to have a smiling face greet you every single time and ask you how your day went.  The instructors genuinely care about you as a person and your growth in the journey.  The positivity that these women emit is just amazing.  ...
Mental Health & MY Journey

Use Your Skills!

You never know where you’re gonna use the skills you’ve learned in class in real life. Learn how to have fun everything you do. I’ve seen plenty of photos on Facebook of the girls from my classes doing stands and climbs on stoplights and roadsigns...
Mental Health & MY Journey

It’s More Than a Workout

I used to complain about working out and not liking my body… I wanted to find an activity, or exercise, that would actually improve my strength AND appearance, but it’s so hard to do trial and error when you are trying to see/feel results. I talked with a friend of...