
Just over a year ago I joined Aerial Dance for a Beginner Pole course. My best friend convinced me to give it (and myself!) a shot, and I finally jumped in. The two hours before my first class I was TERRIFIED! What do I do? What do I say? Does the pole spin? Do I spin? What do I wear? WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE? I was so nervous that I almost didn’t show up, but thankfully I threw my car into drive and cruised down 41. I walked into the studio and saw the beautiful sheer curtains and thought “well, this isn’t so bad…” until I pulled them back and saw a small studio with roughly 10 poles, and realized I was going to have to do something on one of those poles! 

The majority of that first class I was silent, with a few giggles directed at my best friend, and I went home in immense pain. I had no idea what I was in store for, but I kind of liked it. As the weeks went on, I let myself be… well, myself. I was making jokes, laughing out loud at my friend, cheering her on, asking questions, you name it. I wore what made me comfortable, including shorts that helped me to perform to the best of my ability, and at times, just my sports bra on top. Nobody cared what I was wearing, and nobody batted an eye if I could, or could not, get a move that we were trying out. I was in my element, and I was feeling like I could finally succeed and love myself! 

As time went on, I continued to just be who I was, not thinking much of it. I had the same 2 or 3 instructors each week as I only went on one night. Recently I went to a member event and some of the other instructors I hadn’t seen in a while came to say hello. They mentioned missing me in class because I brought joy and excitement into class; and let me tell you, that filled my cup right up! I had no idea that being myself would be ENJOYED by others. I was just trying to make myself happy, and it was in turn making the studio a better place as well. That is a double bonus in my eyes, and I hope that this encourages others to be confident enough to be themselves as well.