Liking Who I See in the Mirror

Liking Who I See in the Mirror

I have always struggled with my body image my entire life.  I have always been jealous of those who were able to get motivated with health and fitness and actually follow through with it.  I always seemed to lose interest right away and never have been...
Liking Who I See in the Mirror

To the Top!

During my second or third week of intermediate class, I climbed all the way to the top of the pole! I may have cheated a smidge, and used more of my thighs at times rather than my knees, and used my feet to help, but I was quick to correct myself. The...
Liking Who I See in the Mirror

Just a Little Spoiled

Ladies, we are spoiled!! I think a lot of us take for granted how lucky we are to have Aerial Dance in our lives. They do so much to make sure we have a safe and inviting place to come and workout, socialize, and just plain have fun. First off, the amount of work that...
Liking Who I See in the Mirror

My Body is NOT My Offering

​“Your body is not your offering.” Such a profound and truthful statement…found in the Aerial Dance bathroom. Prior to my membership at Aerial Dance, this thought had never occurred to me – rather I thought the exact opposite. It felt as though my body was...
Liking Who I See in the Mirror

Just Keep Going

I began my journey at Aerial Dance two years ago. I take a couple months off each year when life gets too busy, and I still always find myself LONGING to walk back through those doors, absolutely craving the energy and the achy muscles again. There’s something...