I have always struggled with my body image my entire life. I have always been jealous of those who were able to get motivated with health and fitness and actually follow through with it. I always seemed to lose interest right away and never have been able to actually stick with anything for a long period of time. I love that with Aerial Dance I never find myself bored. It is very challenging, but it is super rewarding at the same time!
I feel so empowered and strong when I am able to do a move that I never had thought I would be able to do. The more I find myself practicing, the better I am getting and I am so much more confident than I have ever been before! I am starting to actually love the way my body looks and I am feeling like I have more muscles than I even thought I would be able to work up to having. The atmosphere is very laid back, but still motivating at the same time. They push you do to better but in a fun way where you actually want to and feel supported. I especially love the pole classes. They are probably my absolute favorite because I feel sexy and strong now! I am able to show my confidence and have become a new level of motivated to do so.
I don’t feel ashamed or nervous when I go to classes anymore. The instructors know how to show you the proper warm ups and cool downs to help prevent injury while building strength. They are very well educated on how to stretch and how to make sure you ease into your routine in a way that your body can handle. I love the instructors! They really teach you at your own pace and make sure you only do what you can handle. They are very fun to be around and always encouraging you to push yourself if they think it is something that you are capable of. Thank you for showing me a new version of myself I did not think I would ever see. I am so thankful for it every day and can’t wait to learn more along the way!
Join in on the fun at Intro to Pole or Intro to Aerial!