Dirty Thirty

Dirty Thirty

So this is 30? As we enter 2021, I am rapidly approaching my 30th birthday. It will be here in a blink of an eye.  It is crazy to think that at 20, I was dreading being 30. Now that it is right around the corner, I am actually relieved. To tell you the truth I...
All Apparatus are NOT Created Equal

All Apparatus are NOT Created Equal

At Aerial Dance we train on 4 different apparatus: Hoop, hammock, silks, and pole. We also offer specialty workshops with other apparatus like chair and heels (yes, I consider them an apparatus). Each one is unique and has its own special challenges. Each person...
Self Acceptance is Bull*hit

Self Acceptance is Bull*hit

For so many years we have heard that you need to accept yourself. You know what I accept? I accept that my apartment doesn’t have a bathtub I can get both knees, both butt cheeks and both boobs all underwater at the same time. But moving is too much work and...
Dirty Thirty


Hello beautiful people!! No, I am not referring in any context to Ed Sheeran`s song “Beautiful People.”  I am referring to each individual reader`s beauty.  And how all those different versions of beauty are what make the world so...
All Apparatus are NOT Created Equal

Bendy Babe Conversations

If you’ve never taken a Bendy Babe class, first of all you should because it’s amazing to stretch for an hour, but the conversations we have in that class are phenomenal. I love teaching bendy because you never know where the conversation is going to go....