Rome Wasn’t Built In A Day

Rome Wasn’t Built In A Day

I started my pole journey about a year ago with my first Beginner pole class. Everyone starts their journey for different reasons.  I started pole to gain upper arm and shoulder strength. I knew my shoulders were weak and I wanted to gain strength. And maybe I...

Hoop There It Is!

You know that saying, “You don’t use it, you lose it.” Well Steve and I got a real wake up call last week! Redesentizing is always a little bit of a shock, but when you have a doubles partner hanging from you……. the SHOCK is amplified....
Rome Wasn’t Built In A Day

A new year and new beginnings

In my last blog, I felt anger, despair, and sadness from having been let go from my job.  After being unemployed for approximately two weeks, those feelings have changed to being hopeful, optimistic, and positive.  As I was going through my box of my work belongings...
Your body will adapt

Your body will adapt

Having a safe pole & aerial education is the top mission point of Aerial Dance. It even comes before “fun” because you can’t have fun if you’re hurting! Because of this, we are constantly “encouraging” students to do things on...