
In my last blog, I felt anger, despair, and sadness from having been let go from my job.  After being unemployed for approximately two weeks, those feelings have changed to being hopeful, optimistic, and positive.  As I was going through my box of my work belongings this morning, I was dancing to “Burn” by Usher in my pajamas.  This was the first time that I have been happy in quite some time.  At that moment, I realized that I will overcome this.
I no longer experience the feeling of dread on Sunday nights and constantly saying that I don’t want to go to work tomorrow.  I no longer have to feel depressed when my alarm goes off at 5:30am.  Furthermore, I no longer have to be in survival mode until Friday.
In having been a claims adjuster for almost 10 years, the job started me make me cynical, numb, and devoid of any feelings.  Also the politics and “good old boys club” mentality of my former employer was starting to break me down over time and causing me to shut down.  I knew that I didn’t have a future there. I would always say that the job was a “paycheck and health insurance.”  My primary reason for staying at my former employer was that I went to the Appleton studio during my lunch.  The guy that I am seeing told me that was not a good enough reason to stay at a place that I was miserable at.  Well, I wasn’t miserable for an hour out of my work day.  I was able to actually be myself on my lunch while at the studio.
Overall, I feel that this situation has been a blessing in disguise.  I have been busy searching and applying for jobs everyday and interviewing.  I have been getting things done around my house too.  Next thing on the list is to finally get my Christmas decorations down.  I decided to take this situation and make it an opportunity of getting out of the claims adjuster field.  I am feeling hopeful, optimistic, and positive about my future.  I am hoping not a find just a job, but something that I enjoy doing.
Here is to a new year and new beginnings!