
Ladies Night WORKout!

At the start of every year we’ve traditionally done an open house. This usually resulted in a whole bunch of women coming to the studio and standing around afraid to play on the apparatus. Boo! So this year we decided to encourage everyone to play by having a...

It's All Right Here

I was looking through past blogs and blog titles, trying to make sure I didn’t repeat myself for my next post. After I went back a few pages, I realized that we have quite a few posts on the Christmas Show. I also realized that some of you might not know that!...

Show Attitude is Everything

There’re TWO weeks left! Can you even believe it?! Yippee! I’m so excited for the show. Our group has just filled in all the moves we want to do in our routine. It’s finally done! We need to balance the skills of four people and consider how...


Hello Everyone. These past weeks have really been trying for me mentally and emotionally. There have been times where I just want to throw in the towel and let my troubles win. Crawl back in bed and hide from the day. I am sure that I am not the only person who has...

Show Tips!

The Christmas Show is fast approaching! This weekend I had the utter JOY of watching routines rehearse. I cannot begin to tell you how proud I am of every woman performing. The time and creativity they are putting in this year is going to make this the highest quality...