Women Lifting Up Women

Women Lifting Up Women

For a lot of us Aerial Dance is a sanctuary. It is my happy place. It’s my me time. Time for me to get away from day to day stress from life and just enjoy myself.    The women that run, instruct, and attend classes are some of the most uplifting and positive...
Women Lifting Up Women

Learning to Find My Flow

Flow was not my favorite class. Dancing and movement did not feel natural. To be honest, it still doesn’t feel natural. I started taking them regularly because I hated them and they were very unnatural for me. The idea of “if its yours, you can touch...
Women Lifting Up Women

Liking Who I See in the Mirror

I have always struggled with my body image my entire life.  I have always been jealous of those who were able to get motivated with health and fitness and actually follow through with it.  I always seemed to lose interest right away and never have been...
Women Lifting Up Women

My Body is NOT My Offering

​“Your body is not your offering.” Such a profound and truthful statement…found in the Aerial Dance bathroom. Prior to my membership at Aerial Dance, this thought had never occurred to me – rather I thought the exact opposite. It felt as though my body was...
Women Lifting Up Women

Show Up for Yourself

In joining the sport of aerial dance, I had never expected myself to stick with it.  I had found myself always wanting to try new things and always going through new hobbies, but never being able to commit to one and stick with it long enough to actually see...