The Second Gratitude Practice

The Second Gratitude Practice

This past weekend I did what I ask our students to do all the time, I did something WAY outside my comfort zone that required a lot of courage. No, I didn’t do a cool new pole trick, I went to a Yoga retreat in Door County. Anyone who truly knows me knows I...
Biochemistry: Exercise & Stress Resilience

Biochemistry: Exercise & Stress Resilience

I read an article that summarized a study published in the Journal of Neuroscience. It talked about galanin, a neuropeptide expressed in the brain, spinal cord, and gut of humans. We typically hear about endorphins and serotonin being released in response to exercise...
Smart Is Sexy

Smart Is Sexy

This past Sunday the Aerial Dance book club met to discuss “Set Boundaries, Find Peace”. If you haven’t yet read this gem, do it! The books for the rest of the year are listed below. If one interests you, join us. Learning is hot. Working on yourself...
Learning to Fly

Learning to Fly

 I remember as a child being so eager to learn, grow, fly… It was as if nothing would hold me back, and I did not care who thought what. A few months ago, I began to grow tired of my own thoughts piercing through my wings, hindering my flight. I was...
Back to the classroom?

Back to the classroom?

At dinner with friends, who are also members at Aerial Dance, when one said “I want to take a class with you”. And that comment gave me pause. It didn’t occur to me that my not teaching regular classes was noticed. That a student would want me to...