Thanks Instructors

Thanks Instructors

As the pandemic unfolds around Aerial Dance, I can’t help but be beyond grateful for my staff. Since March they have rolled with whatever I’ve asked. Make a space to teach at home; sure. Come in early to sanitize; sure. Stay late to wash fabrics; sure....
Planning Your Photoshoot

Planning Your Photoshoot

In just over a week we have a photoshoot coming up at the studio. To get the most of your time in front of the camera, use the following tips to plan. Warm-up! Arrive early and warm-up. Don’t show up at your slotted time and need to stretch or get sweaty to...
It’s never too early for a photoshoot

It’s never too early for a photoshoot

Student Niki back in 2012 at her first photoshoot! I will admit, I’m a photo fanatic.  I love taking them and I love being in them to have memories to look at later.  Through pole and aerial, I’ve also learned that I love having photos to capture my progress...
Disinfectant change for fabrics

Disinfectant change for fabrics

At the start of the pandemic the Aerial Dance Leadership Team met and confirmed that we would always error on the side of caution and science. As a formulation scientist for Kimberly Clark I can tell you that the results of science changes and evolves as more research...
I am a Teacher.

I am a Teacher.

For as long as I can remember, people have come to me with questions. I was a tutor when I was old enough in middle and high school, and I started getting paid for it in college. I was the exception in my class, I entered college knowing what I wanted to do: I was...