
Trying New Things

A New Term is Upon Us! Each passing term brings a roller coaster of feelings! For some it is the excitement of transitioning to a new level and others it is the shear joy and terror of a new pole/aerial adventure. For me, this new term brings out feelings of...

Hand Balancing

Elizabeth Blanchard February is the month of Love! Aerial Dance is asking you to not only show love to others, but to remember to love yourself!!! I was able to show myself some love by participating in the Hand Balancing Workshop taught by Elizabeth Blanchard. To say...

Register for March Pole

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Registration is now open for Beginner Pole starting in March. The next 8-week Beginner session begins the week of March 3 and runs until April 27. The cost for Beginners is $160 for the full 8-weeks and includes 8 class and 8...

The challenge of challenges

Owning a Pole & Aerial studio means appreciating and HATING the internet. I love it because it helps me educate about my business and connect with students outside of class times. I HATE it because students are also connecting with other business in the industry...

Wicked Cold

Good Ole Wisconsin Weather 🙁 Last weeks weather was a roller coaster! A snow storm on Monday to temperatures dropping to -50 degrees in some places around the state. Not anyone’s idea of ideal weather. With it being extraordinarily cold, I found out something...