
2016 is coming to a close, and at this point in time we remember the resolutions we had set for ourselves at the beginning of the year. Maybe you were going to workout more, eat better, try to become more financially stable, visit family more, or even travel the world. Some of us have reached those goals and others have not. The thing that gets me about making a resolution is that a resolution is defined as a firm decision to do or not to do something. Many people make a resolution and attempt to be committed to their decision and struggle. This causes some people become negative and give up. I should know, I have been to that point plenty of times this year, where I was ready to give up on my goals. The hardest choice I made was to continue to be positive about my goals.
What I would like to remind you of is that a resolution is a choice to do or not to do something. Your choice! This doesn’t mean that every single day that you will be fully committed to your decision. You may lose your path and get lost along the way, but you cannot forget that the power to make a difference for yourself lies within you. No one else. You are the one who will get yourself back on track. Having others to support you along the way is an amazing feeling and it can help drive you to reach your goals. I have been trying to be more committed to reaching my own goals and not trying to focus on what others need or want from me. That last sentence makes me sounds like I am an extremely selfish person, but I can not be my best self unless I take care of own self.
At the beginning of 2016, I set a resolution for myself. My resolution was to continue working on my physical strength and to rediscover the person that I truly am. 2016 was not the best year for me. There were significantly more downs than ups, but I am grateful for some of the downs as they have made a stronger person and helped rebuild parts of me that I had lost. I did not reach all of my resolution goals for this year….. but I have made progress. The beauty of the new year is that I don’t have to start all over with my goals. I can keep the goals that I did not yet reach this year and maybe add a few more for the coming year. If you were to meet all of your goals 100% of the time there would be little room for growth. Remember resolutions are not set in stone, just because you made a choice doesn’t mean that it can’t be adjusted or changed to meet your needs. After all a resolution is something you do for yourself.
So as we rapidly approach the new year, I am asking you to reflect on what it is that you did in 2016 that you are proud of? Did you reach all or part of your resolution? If you met any portion out it, I am so proud of you!!!!! You tired!!! Trying is the first step to becoming successful.  Lastly I ask you to reflect on what decision will you make for yourself this year to meet your needs or better take care of yourself?
This year I am choosing one word to help me stick to my resolution. The word I have chosen is FIERCE! What will you choose?
I wish each and everyone of you a Happy New Year!  Be safe and enjoy bringing in the new year!