
Hello Everyone!!!
Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!!
I just have to share my parents gorgeous Christmas tree with all of you! It is 13ft tall and takes almost a week to put up.
Tis the season for the flu, colds, and other yucky illnesses. I was pumped to take a bunch of fitness classes at Aerial this past week, but my body had other plans. I have been battling a super bad cold/sinus infection. YUCK! Needless to say I have not made it to any classes this week. 🙁 I have been dog tired and exhausted by the end of the day. It is my first cold of the season, for that I am grateful that I made it to and beyond the Christmas Show without getting sick. Now I am working on resting and trying to build my energy back up. It is the strangest feeling to exercise 4 to 5 times a week to not going at all for a week. I did try a small workout and was completely exhausted. So I am taking it easy and trying to get better. I have been drinking a ton of water, eating well, loading up on vitamins.
On top of being sick, the holiday season is in full swing! This time of year can be extremely busy and many loose track of their exercise routines and eat terribly. I am not saying that I eat healthy all the time and follow strict exercise or eating guidelines, but it is really easy to slip out of the smallest routine that you have and super hard to get back into it. Keeping up with your conditioning and attending pole practice is key to maintain your strength during this off time and to help prevent any possible injury’s.
I have seen several articles about preventing holiday weight gain and as I read through some of them I found that I am doing everything wrong. One of the tips is do not position yourself near the food. I am so guilty! I can always be found the the kitchen near the munchies. My only saving grace is that I tend to gravitate to the veggie tray. The list of tips goes on about maintaining your regular sleep and exercise schedule. SHOOT! Guilty again! I have not exercised in a week and my sleep schedule has been off. So as I read through the rest of the list, I kept putting check mark after check mark about what I was doing wrong, and then I hit the last tip on the list. It said, “REMAIN POSITIVE!”  The whole time I was reading the tips, I was beating myself up about how I was not keeping up with my goals  and then the last tip reminded me that I may be a little off course, but I can always adjust my course back on track. This holiday season I want you to think positive about yourself, yes you may not keep on track, but you have the power to change that and you can!!! You are human and no human is perfect. Love the person that you are, because in this life there are millions of people, but there is only person who is uniquely you!
Hopefully I will be seeing you at the studio soon!!!
I hope that you all have a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!