
Another year, an amazing show!

Now that the dust has settled, let’s talk Christmas Show. WOW. You are all amazing. This year the show brought a new level of preparedness, artistry, choreography and bad-ass-ery to Appleton. The routines were spectacular. I loved the seamless transitions...

After Christmas Show Withdrawal

Hello My Fellow Aerial Artists!   We are closing in on a full week after the Christmas Show, 🙁  I can’t believe that it is already over!!!! The show was absolutely amazing! The routines were on point and the audience was amazed. The day went by incredible...

Red Cross Fundraisers!

No experience necessary! Join Instructor Kelly as she fundraises for “Dancing with the Stars” benefiting the American Red Cross. Register online for Santa baby Chair Dance and/or Co-Ed Strong, a co-ed pole and fabric workshop.

It's Show Eve!

It’s almost time!   Janelle hit it right on the nose with her post, go check it out! I’ve got some more pieces of advice for you this show eve 🙂   Pack your show bag now. Seriously, when you wake up and you are all set to walk out the door,...

ONE DAY!!!!!

IT IS DECEMBER 9TH!!!!!!!!! IT’S THE MOST WONDERFUL TIME OF THE YEAR! THE CHRISTMAS SHOW IS TOMORROW! BE PREPARED TO BE BLOWN AWAY!   It seems as if I had just signed up to be in The Christmas Show! That was only two short months ago! At that time it seemed...