by Paula Brusky | Dec 17, 2016 | Paula's Journey
Now that the dust has settled, let’s talk Christmas Show. WOW. You are all amazing. This year the show brought a new level of preparedness, artistry, choreography and bad-ass-ery to Appleton. The routines were spectacular. I loved the seamless transitions...
by Student | Dec 15, 2016 | Student Journey
Hello My Fellow Aerial Artists! We are closing in on a full week after the Christmas Show, 🙁 I can’t believe that it is already over!!!! The show was absolutely amazing! The routines were on point and the audience was amazed. The day went by incredible...
by Paula Brusky | Dec 12, 2016 | Event
No experience necessary! Join Instructor Kelly as she fundraises for “Dancing with the Stars” benefiting the American Red Cross. Register online for Santa baby Chair Dance and/or Co-Ed Strong, a co-ed pole and fabric workshop.
by Student | Dec 10, 2016 | Breanna's Journey
It’s almost time! Janelle hit it right on the nose with her post, go check it out! I’ve got some more pieces of advice for you this show eve 🙂 Pack your show bag now. Seriously, when you wake up and you are all set to walk out the door,...
by Student | Dec 9, 2016 | Student Journey
IT IS DECEMBER 9TH!!!!!!!!! IT’S THE MOST WONDERFUL TIME OF THE YEAR! THE CHRISTMAS SHOW IS TOMORROW! BE PREPARED TO BE BLOWN AWAY! It seems as if I had just signed up to be in The Christmas Show! That was only two short months ago! At that time it seemed...