Stick With It!

Stick With It!

I started my pole journey March of 2022. It is one of the best decisions I have made and the most fun I have ever had doing any type of work out. Working out at the gym made me feel awkward and out of place, and I felt like everyone was judging me. But at Aerial Dance...
Stick With It!

Use Your Skills!

You never know where you’re gonna use the skills you’ve learned in class in real life. Learn how to have fun everything you do. I’ve seen plenty of photos on Facebook of the girls from my classes doing stands and climbs on stoplights and roadsigns...
Stick With It!

One Good Life Choice Leads to Others

I have always had a really hard struggle with my weight and being healthy and into fitness.  I always found it to be really boring and never was able to keep myself motivated and wanting to go to the gym or do anything like that because I would just get sick of it...
Stick With It!

Pole Kisses

Each week, I look forward to my pole classes. I am excited to learn something new and take something home to practice. It’s definitely an activity you cannot get sick of! There are a lot of things that comes with being in a pole class: strength, flexibility,...
Stick With It!

Thief of Joy

We have all heard the phrase growing up “comparison is the thief of joy”; and it still applies as an adult. You see, I have never truly been what others have considered to be athletically talented. Sure, I can pick up a game of volleyball or basketball, but I sure...