
I have always had a really hard struggle with my weight and being healthy and into fitness.  I always found it to be really boring and never was able to keep myself motivated and wanting to go to the gym or do anything like that because I would just get sick of it after a short amount of time.  Since I started doing aerial, I find myself to be really excited and motivated to go to the gym.  I have started to actually watch what I put into my body and am a lot more healthy than I used to be.  My one choice has snowballed into many that have been healthy changes in my life.

I really am enjoying the variety of different classes that are offered because it helps me to not get bored of just the same thing all the time.  I enjoy being able to share my passion with a lot of other wonderful women who also enjoy the same things.  It really does feel like one big family to me and nobody is ever judgmental of each other, we all lift each other up and support each other.  I am thankful that I decided to make the choice to try this, I find myself to be getting stronger every single day in ways I never thought I would be able to! 

My overall muscle tone is so much better and my mindset is great because I feel like I am able to accomplish many of the things I did not think I would ever be able to.  I love that I find myself wanting to learn new things and pushing myself harder than I thought I would be able to.  It was very difficult at first, but the instructors really come down to your level and help you every step of the way so you are able to accomplish the moves that you want to.  They are all very uplifting and have such a positive attitude, you can tell they are definitely passionate about their job. 

Meeting other women in the same/similar situations as myself has been so beneficial for my fitness journey as well. Working out side by side and talking to other adult women has been so refreshing. It doesn’t even matter what we talk about during class, it just feels good to be engaged in adult conversations with other women. I had struggled being new to the area to make meaningful connections and friends, but the women at the studio welcomed me and made me feel like I belong. That sense of belonging makes it easier to want to return and get my booty kicked day in and day out!

Come see what Aerial Dance is all about! Try Intro to Pole or Intro to Aerial!