The Beginning of My Journey

The Beginning of My Journey

I have been pole dancing for just over four years now and it is one of the only fitness programs that I have actively stayed with since I was in high school. Granted, since COVID hit there has been minor set backs with the shutdown and getting sick...
The Beginning of My Journey

Taking a Break is Hard. Coming Back is Harder

I know that these blogs are typically positive in nature, and I promise I will get there. It cannot be stressed enough how important mental health can be. The past 4 months have been absolute torture on me. Just before life threw as many curve balls at me as it could,...
The Beginning of My Journey

Just a Little Spoiled

Ladies, we are spoiled!! I think a lot of us take for granted how lucky we are to have Aerial Dance in our lives. They do so much to make sure we have a safe and inviting place to come and workout, socialize, and just plain have fun. First off, the amount of work that...
The Beginning of My Journey

I am a Dancer!

​When I was a little girl, I dreamed of being a dancer. In fact, I dreamed of finding anything I was good at physically. I played every sport in elementary school through high school, but none of them was really my “thing.” For some reason though, dance was always in...