
I wanted to take some time to talk about goals. This blog is as much for me as it is everyone else. Setting attainable goals for ourselves and working towards them is so impactful. I also struggle with setting goals for myself but when I did set goals, I got more results. Setting goals can help you focus on what you need to do in order to get the move you’ve been working on for so long. As opposed to not having goals and just working on random things in practice (nothing wrong with doing that either!).

It’s important when setting your goals to make them attainable. If you always set goals that you aren’t able to achieve, it can be overwhelming and disappointing when you aren’t able make it happen. The key to setting goals is to take your big long term goal and break it down into smaller, achievable goals. Maybe your goal is getting your first invert in pole. Take a step back and look at what goes into that. Core strength and being able to hold yourself upside down. Set goals that relate to working on the muscles that help you invert. It can even be something as simple as doing two sets of 10 leg lifts a day. That is a goal that is easily attainable, and it will help with your core strength making it easier for you to invert.

If you are anything like me, you may need to find yourself an accountability partner. Someone who will help keep you on track with accomplishing your goals and you can do the same for them! Sometimes it’s easier to remember to look out for other people rather than yourself. Once you achieve your end goal you can pick a new one and start over.