
It’s Been One of Those Terms

Do you ever feel like each week you go to your pole class and nothing seems to work for you? That’s how I have felt the whole last term. My typical pole class is on Monday. For some reason this term, I felt like I have done nothing but suck it up. I wasn’t feeling as strong as I normally do. I felt even less graceful and everything we had done in class I couldn’t even begin to wrap me brain around. If you haven’t felt this way, it is extremely disheartening.My schedule has been crazy between home life and work, and I haven’t worked out or made it to a fraction of the classes I usually do. I feel that this has a lot to do with why I am struggling in my pole class.
Last week, I was able to make to two classes. One was my pole class and the other was a Fabric Fit class. Instructor Chrissy was teaching the fit class. Upon my arrival to the studio, I just wanted to lift all of the heavy things and do all of the hard stuff. I just wanted to sweat and be sore the next day. Believe it or not, your body eventually begins to crave sore muscles. Call me crazy, but I wanted the difficulty of sitting down on the toilet, because my quads burned so bad. I asked Instructor Chrissy if we could do all the hard things and guess what!??! 

She Did It!

Instructor Chrissy adjusted her original workout plan to make it even more challenging. Many of you know that Chrissy’s workouts are hard to begin with, but I wanted more. And that’s exactly what she gave me! Her class was the full body workout that I had longed for. At the end, I was exhausted, my muscles burned, but I knew I gave it my all and felt strong at the end. It is a wonderful feeling knowing that the instructors at Aerial Dance will rise to meet any challenge. After class she shared with us the original workout which would have kicked our buts alone, but she took it a step further to ensure we got what we needed! The instructors at Aerial Dance are beyond compare!

Quick Shout Out

I would love to just give a quick to the extreme instructors on Monday! This past term, I know that I have been kind of a poop, but you never gave up on me. I appreciate all that you do for me and all the students at Aerial Dance. Christmas Show prep is in full swing and I know you have a lot on your plates. Everything you do to go above and beyond for us students is amazing! I would like to extend a special “Thank you” to Instructor Leah who helped me overcome my fear of Russian Laybacks. I went all term feeling like my pole journey was at a complete halt and at class this week, I finally felt like this whole term wasn’t for nothing.

It was so easy to get caught up in the fixed mindset of “I can’t” and I let it drag my whole term down. My pole class this week with Instructor Leah and my pole sisters showed me that I had made more progress than I thought. At times our aerial journeys may seem to be a stand still, but yet each time we set foot into the studio, we are taking a step toward our goal, no matter how small the step. Sometimes it is hard to see past the things we can’t do, to see what we can do. Try to remember to fill out that Gold Star Girl slip, so you have to reflect on what you did well.
Until Next Time,