
8 years!

Today is the 8 year anniversary of Aerial Dance Pole Exercise. That is crazy. I woke up thinking how much that wasn’t the plan when it started (it was supposed to be a hobby business I did for a few years) and how grateful I am that the plan changed. I still...

An Ahhh Ha Moment!

You Never Know Who is Watching This past week while at the study, I had a “Holy Crap” moment. It was during Aerial Condition (AC) with some ladies I knew and some ladies that are new to the studio. AC is one of my top five favorite classes at the studio. I...

Self Care Sunday

Hello Ladies! I know it has been awhile, but I am still here!   What is Self Care? Self care is taking time for you and only you. It is hitting a pause button to help you refuel yourself. It goes beyond the usual eating right and exercise. Yes, those two things...

That's A Wrap!

Summer is Fading With September comes back to school, earlier nights, and cooler temperatures. Winter is coming and there is no stopping it, but Aerial Dance has sure found a way to take summer out with a bang! Just his past month, Aerial Dance has hosted two open...