
All Who Enter Here Beware!

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]You are about to be a part of something real. My name is Breanna, and I am normal pole fitness girl. For those of you who haven’t participated in pole fitness or aerial activities, this may needs some explanation. When I say...

The Start

When and where did my pole journey begin?  2007 in Sydney Australia at Studio Verve. (Side note: this amazing studio just won the International Pole Sports Federation’s for best pole sports studio!!!!)  It was the week before my birthday and I was feeling...

Register for Photo Shoot

Registration is open from August 12-24 (or until capacity is reached) for the Aerial Dance photo-shoot with Debbie Daanen Photography September 9 &10!  The cost is $75 and any interested students should fill out a registration form at the front desk.
Registration for September opening SOON

Registration for September opening SOON

Fall is quickly approaching (NOOOOO!!!!!). It isn’t all bad, that means football, pretty colored trees, and a new pole term. The new pole term will begin the week of September 13th.  Registration will open by August 7th, so check back soon!