“How can I help”? We all say it. But right now, if you say it, a small business is going to hope you follow through…
I’m asked often by students how I am doing and how Aerial Dance is doing. How I am doing varies, a LOT. So for now, let’s stick to how Aerial Dance is doing. We’re ok. All things considered, we’re ok. But that isn’t the same things as good. We have taken a fairly large membership hit thanks to Covid, the lost revenue from “safer at home” and ongoing membership decline is real, our cleaning costs are way up and since we are doing smaller class sizes to maximize physical distance payroll is up too. But all in all, we are ok. Aka, we are still open. It scares me to no end how many places I am seeing NOT staying open. There have been three major yoga studios announcing closing the past month in our area. Scary. Aerial Dance is open. With no dire fears to be anything but open. But we need help rebuilding. As does every other small business in this community that you care about. That’s the reality. So here’s how you can help us:
- Attend! We want people in our doors feeling safe. Full classes equals positive energy!
- For the love of everything, do not come to the studio if there is a chance you are going to bring sickness with you. No business needs to deal with that PR nightmare or another period of closure.
- Blow up your social media with us. When you’re here, share that you are. Tell people you feel (and are) safe. Post pictures following our policies and helping others see our awesome community supporting your journey!
- Bring your friends! Now more than ever a new member is very much appreciated. If you love Pole or Aerial or our Fitness classes, bring a friend to try it. Encourage them to join you!
- Buy gift certificates. Do you need to get a friend a gift? We got you covered! I personally will be buying Nakashima’s gift cards for every local wedding I attend this year so that the new couple gets a night out on me and I get to support a restaurant I want to see stay open. So if there is any way your friend could use something Aerial Dance offers, GIFT CARD.
- Keep your memberships current. Maybe you aren’t personally attending as often because of the school situation so you would normally downgrade…don’t. We are so very very grateful for every one of our members who is holding steady with us. We see you. We appreciate you. We need you. (example: to our member who recently had a baby and hasn’t put her membership on hold while she’s medically off, BIG HUGS and THANK YOU.)
- Take workshops! There is never a better time to take an extra workshop! Come, try something new. And bring a friend 😉
- Take a class! If you aren’t on an unlimited membership, adding one extra class per month (or per week would be even better) would give you the chance for some fun and a new experiences and would help us keep payroll strong.
- Take a private lesson! Your instructors are AMAZING. Take a one on one lesson and work on a specific trick or get ideas on how to improve/train an aspect of your skill.
- Throw a party! We have SO MANY AWESOME PARTY OPTIONS!!!! Grab your friends for a special night out. We also have online party options if you feel better with physical distance but need a wonderful social time.
- Buy a clothing item! You have the tank top in black….but don’t you need a purple one too?!?!
So many businesses are struggling. So many business owners are terrified. They need their patrons to step up. But they are silent. Then they close their doors and the FB posts on the closure announcement are all in outrage that their clients didn’t know they were struggling.
Pride is real. Writing this blog is making me nauseous. I don’t want to tell the world that we could use support. I don’t want to ask our members to step in or up when they have already stuck with us during the “safer at home”. And recognize that their own personal situations may also be a very real struggle. I can tell you from my own ego how hard it is to say how much this time period has truly impacted my company. And how scared I am for what the future holds. It makes me feel like a bad business owner that this period has caused a real ongoing battle for survival. Like. Duh. I know I didn’t cause covid. I know I built a strong company that is weathering this crappy storm. But every bit right now matters in a very real way and saying it out loud feels yucky. But I keep being asked how they can help. And maybe people don’t know that this is still a very real ongoing battle in our community. So that, beautiful members of the Aerial Dance Sisterhood, is how you can help us.