
One Month Left: What Should You Do?

  Can you believe the Christmas Show is ONE MONTH AWAY? That might sound like a long time, but we all know it will go by quicker than we think! Here’s what you should be doing right now: Buying tickets. For real. Don’t lolly-gag because this show...

The Advanced Struggle is Real

The Beginner Struggle is very real. The huge learning curve. Who knew there were so many ways to move on/with a pole?!  And so many names to remember! The ever-so-lovely muscle ache.  I mean seriously, who engages their shoulders that much? Not many non-pole people I...

T Minus 6 Weeks 'till the Christmas Show!

Hello my lovely poling friends! It’s that time of year again—THE CHRISTMAS SHOW IS COMING! YAAAAY! This will be show number FIVE for me–I can hardly believe it! Since I’ve been so terrible at updating (sorry!), let me catch you up! This year I...

Bring in the Old with the New

I’ve now been dancing at Aerial Dance for just over four years, as long as you don’t count my time off. Four years! It doesn’t feel like it’s been that long! There’s been ups and downs, but through it all, I’ve had a supportive team...

No Shame in Muscles

While killing time on Facebook, I came across an article that talked about our US gymnasts being body shamed. Whaaaa?! Yes, these tough, flipping (literally) women, who engage in amazing feats of strength, grace, and flexibility, were being shamed on the internet over...

Get Your Goal!

Hello everyone! I’m so sorry I’ve been away for a while–life got a little hectic! While I was “away,” I decided I will go for my goal: complete a 5K! This particular 5K event also has a 0.05K going simultaneously. In case you were...