
Counting Gone Wrong!

In my last blog, I posted that I have been with Aerial Dance for three years! Turns out, thanks to an appreciation card sent to me by Aerial Dance, my first class was on April 30, 2014! That means that last month I celebrated FOUR YEARS! I repeat FOUR YEARS with Aerial Dance! Where on earth has the time gone! With the realization of my big anniversary with Aerial Dance, I couldn’t help but reflect on my aerial/life journey. The past four years of my life have been a roller coaster. I taught at three different schools, started a graduate program, ended an abusive relationship, and moved two times. Through all of that, I knew that I had Aerial Dance to turn to to keep me sane.

How I Got Started

All too often I hear the same excuse from the ladies I meet and it goes something like this, “I would love to try pole, if only I had a friend to go with me.” My journey started something similar to that. I was constantly looking for a friend to try out this new adventure with me. Time after time, my friends shot me down saying they didn’t want to be a stripper. I however saw the bigger picture and knew that there was more to Aerial Dance.
I took the leap of faith and signed up for my first pole class! It was much harder and more painful than I could have ever imagined. The instructors promised that it would get better with time. For the longest time I did not believe them. It took me all of my beginner classes, plus a term of intermediate to even be able to sit on the pole.
At the time I was weak, wall push ups were nearly impossible. Some of you reading this probably don’t believe me when I say that I was just like you when I started. I had very little strength, it  was hard, and I was afraid of failing. Above all the challenges pole brought, how much I enjoyed it out weighed the “bad”. While taking classes at Aerial Dance, it helped me to transform my confidence, which you can’t see, but it really helped me to transform my body.

My journey at Aerial Dance helped my to lose and has helped me keep off 30 unwanted pounds. Those pounds were from poor eating, working full time, going to school full time, and an abusive relationship. The girl you see in the first picture would have never been caught dead in shorts and a tank top had I not been in Utah in the middle of summer. She hated herself and those feelings were projected on to those around her. I have overcome many of inner demons, every now and again those in securities creep up on me.
Four years ago, i would not have believed you if you told me the things my body is now capable of. I would have laughed in your face, but here I stand before you, two Christmas shows, a student showcase, and a photo shoot under my belt, and I couldn’t be more ecstatic. The only regret I have about my journey with Aerial Dance is not celebrating even my smallest successes. I waited until I was in advanced two before even taking a picture. Looking back, I would have shook that girl and told her to wake up and see who she had become in that short amount of time. Ladies celebrate yourselves no matter how small. At the end of the day, you will feel so much happier and confident.

When You Seen Me

It has been four years since I started my journey with Aerial Dance. I have worked hard and have put in many hours at the studio along with many of my very close aerial friends. We didn’t magically wake up one day and be able to all of the things we can now. Yes, we  have skills and strength that you do not yet have, but some day you will! There are many areas that everyone at the studio is working on.
One of my favorite things about the studio is I can metaphorically wear my “work in progress sign” and no one judges. At the studio, I don’t have to be the perfect teacher, role model, or student. I am free to be me! So, those of you are just beginning your journey with Aerial Dance., I see you. I see your struggles and your admiration for girls who have been there longer than you. I see your want and drive to become the best aerialist you can be! When you see me, see a women who started out just like you. A women who fought and worked hard to get where she is today, because I am still you.

Until Next Time!