

My aerial life began with a dream and a dream only.  If you haven’t heard my aerial origin story yet, here it comes!  I saw a woman perform on silks in a circus when my kids were pretty much toddlers, so 13-14 years ago. I was in love instantly and said to...
Self Care versus Self Comfort

Self Care versus Self Comfort

There are so many memes about self care. There are checklists, tons of suggested activities to do and beautiful images of serene hammocks by the ocean. Of course I want a hammock with an ocean breeze. But is it self care? Not necessarily. In words from “Body...
The Countdown is On

The Countdown is On

I bet you think that I am talking about the countdown to Christmas, but you couldn’t be more wrong. The countdown that I am talking about is my return to Aerial Dance. At this time I am filled with so many emotions, excitement, fear, joy, dred…and the list goes on....
Avoid the Funk

Avoid the Funk

We are now approximately one month out from the annual show. Most of us have come down from the excitement and all of the craziness has settled. Every year, it happens to me at about this time: post-show funk. The dust has settled and after working so hard for...
The Countdown is On

Introduction to Pole

Hello! So you might be thinking from the title that I am going to talk about one of the classes offered at Aerial Pole Dance and Exercise. Sort of, but not exactly. Insert appropriate emoji here. (Is it just me, or does it seem harder to write these days without using...