
Is It Worth It?

With limited time and money, is pole really worth the expense and commitment? We all have lives. And sometimes, the busyness of life causes us to question, “Is this really worth my time?” We all have bills. Sometimes things happen in life that cause us to...

Showing Some Love!

Showin’ Some Pole Sisterly Love! During the 2017 Aerial Dance Christmas Show Owner Paula introduced our new Instructor Alison! By this time you may have had a class or two with her at the studio! Well, I am here to provide you with a little more insight into our...

A Gift for the Imperfect

This last weekend I had a very enlightening experience… My Dad took my sister and I and my sister’s fiance to a dance to celebrate his birthday. I’ve always loved ballroom dancing and my dad used to teach us girls when we were young. I’ve since...