
Bringing Mom to Pole!

[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_column_text]I am very lucky, because as mothers go, mine is the coolest. Really. My mom is awesome. She’s been my best friend forever; she’s also great at being my mom when I need it. And she’s totally...

My first invert!

In early 2008 my addiction for pole hit full force when I was taught to invert. I love the spins, I loved feeling graceful (note that I “felt” graceful rather than give myself credit for actually looking graceful to anyone else! Pole is all about how YOU...

My Amusing Flexibility FAIL

When you think about the skills that a pole girl needs, a few things come to mind. She needs strength to pull her body into those moves. She’ll need endurance so that she can practice that move over and over. She’ll need perseverance to help her get past...

You Have the Keys–What Door Will You Open?

Many know the cliche “no pain, no gain.” For pole and aerial arts enthusiast, that cliche is literal. It doesn’t mean that you have to hurt yourself in order to be great at the sport. It does mean that you will have various bruises and very sore...

Just Try It

When I tell people about Aerial Dance and the pole classes I take, they’re understandably curious. I start telling them about it, and how much fun I have. I show them pictures, which usually intrigues them more. I’m not trying to sell; I want to share the...