
I know the rule was that these blogs should be happy in nature, and I really hope they meet the criteria. But I think real and vulnerable don’t always have to compete with happy. If you’re thinking of joining Aerial Dance, I want these blogs to be nothing short of encouraging you to do so, and I want them to be honest about the process. There are days where I can’t wait to wake up and go to class, and hurt and heal my body in the best and most fun ways imaginable. There are also days where I dread it. Both will happen to you, too.

Some days I leave class feeling so strong I’ll even hit the gym after or go for a run. You will literally feel invincible on these days and nothing will break your spirit. There will also be days where you leave class so exhausted in every way that you get in your car, don’t even turn on music, and just cry because you don’t feel strong enough, or sexy enough, or skinny enough. You’ll be too slippery to accomplish anything or you’ll have a mental block making it IMPOSSIBLE to get a move down. But guess what- you absolutely NEED those days too.

This journey is not steady, or chronological. You’ll feel like you’re taking two big steps forward and then leaping three steps back sometimes. You learn in time that these leaps back do not break you. As long as you show up in some way (sometimes showing up for you means giving yourself a break, maybe instead of signing up for advanced pole you listen to your body and do aerial yoga instead). But you’ll learn how to show up for you in the best way possible.

You’ll learn you have a group of women who know how to show up for you in the ways you need, whether it’s cheering you on when you finally nail that move you’ve been working on, foam rolling a muscle that aids in healing stored trauma (thanks Instructor Amber), being able to be vulnerable with your day to day life (thank you Instructor Kim, not even sure you remember having this talk with me but I remember exactly where we were sitting when you allowed me to be vulnerable with you), being told you have to eat to get strong (thank you Instructors Chrissy and Alyssa), laughing and feeling the burst of energy I need to get moving (thanks Instructors Sara and Erin). Every single instructor is dedicated to showing up and aiding in your progress, you will not be alone in this journey.

If you’ve been wanting to try classes at Aerial Dance, why not show up in an Intro to Pole or Intro to Aerial? Come play and start your journey!