
Sharing is Caring

As many of you know, I come from a very large family. I hold my family members near and dear to my heart. My sister Valerie and her family are among my closest. My nieces Breana and Keira have always been a huge part of my life. I remember staying home from high school to babysit for for them. As they continue to grow, my love for them grows too.
When I began journey with Aerial Dance, my sister was very apprehensive about pole and the affect it would have on her daughters. I was shocked and a little insulted. I thought of all people, my closest sister would have an open mind about pole. After a pole party and seeing the strength I was building, she eventually came around. She began to build a new perspective of the sport. My nieces, have always looked up to me and I have always shared my aerial sports with them. Showing them, that not only am I an intelligent woman, but I am also a strong woman too!
My nieces are a little older now and I wanted to share my love of the aerial arts with them. Breana is now 12 and Keria is 10, both are very active girls playing volleyball, basketball, and soccer. Summer is now here and I thought what a wonderful time to share my love the aerial arts with them! I approached my sister about the subject and she immediately replied with a they cannot do pole. My head went reeling! Again she was letting the biases of pole create judgement about my sport.
I couldn’t help, but to feel it was a personal attack. After a few quick seconds, I knew that it wasn’t an attack on me, but more of her worrying about what others would say about her preteen daughters on a pole. I can’t blame her for that. She lives in a small town, with people who think small town thoughts. So, we came to the agreement that the girls would only do the aerial side of the studio.

Hoop Lessons

On June 6th, I scheduled my nieces first private lesson at Aerial Dance! Their first lesson was with Instructor Kim on the hoop! Breana and Keira were beaming with excitement! We arrived at the studio a bit early, so the girls could get a feel for the studio. Once Instructor Kim came out, they were instantly shy and quiet which never happens! We walked through the pole studio and their eyes bulged out out their heads with how tall the poles were. When we entered the Aerial Studio all of the hammocks were down and my nieces were like Auntie what are those? I laughed and said they were hammocks.
Instructor Kim was amazing with my nieces! Sometimes they can be shy to try new things, but she made them very comfortable! They started their lesson with a side mount. Form there the build on a side mount to sit. Instructor Kim added a lot of fun tricks for them too.  It was amazing to watch their confidence grow in just one hour! At the start of the lesson they were like a wobbly fawns trying to find their legs, but by the end the were becoming more adventurous.
In the end, my nieces had blast at their hoop lesson!!!!!! I asked them what their favorite part was and their reply was EVERYTHING!!!! 🙂 When purchasing the private lesson, Instructor Kim asked if I wanted a single lesson for $75.00 or a three pack for 150.00. I decided on the three pack, before I knew how much they would enjoy aerial. I can tell you that I have two very grateful little girls, who will enjoy two or more lessons throughout the summer. Before we even left the studio, I already had requests to try hammock next time!!!

Breana loving Back Arabesque

Look at that smile!


She is so proud!


Keira is a POP SEE KO!


It Was Worth Every Penny

At the end of each day, I am beyond proud to be part of Aerial Dance LLC. This studio is more than a place for fitness. It is a place that takes beaten and broken down women and helps transform them into who they wish to be. Aerial Dance is place were role models are created. You are in a safe place, supported, and loved. Thank you to everyone at Aerial Dance instructors and students alike. You make Aerial Dance the MAGICAL place that it is and I can’t wait to continue to share it with my nieces!
Until Next Time,