
I’ve been seeing this phrase so much lately, “Practice makes progress”. I love it, but I am a bit of a hypocrite these days. I have felt stuck in my own skills journey, and haven’t been following my own advice that I give to students all the time!

Practice. It sounds like such a dirty word to me lately. I lost a lot of strength during the shut down, and my personal skills took a huge step backwards. Since reopening, I started off strong! Working on my basics, building my strength and skills back up. Somewhere along the way, I fell off the wagon. I want my skills back, but I stopped doing the conditioning, and putting in the practice time. I have come to rest atop the plateau.

My most recent kick in the pants to get back after it was a lesson (via zoom) with Heidi Coker. She had more confidence in me and my skills than I had in myself. That lesson and what I accomplished when I put my mind to it has given me the reboot that I needed. I was reminded how amazing what we do is, and how important it is to celebrate EVERY accomplishment. Every practice has something to celebrate, tiny progress is still progress. Keep going!