Hello Fellow Aerial Artist!
As of late I feel that I am just knocking my nemesis moves out of the park! Last week I was able to conquer the Figure Skater Spin to an Angel. Now this week I was able to do a spinning Plank!!!!!! Plank is one of my favorite moves because you look extremely long in the pose on the pole. For me, I feel I look even longer because I have really long legs. Previously, I had tried a Plank spinning , but my lower stabilizing arm always felt as if the momentum would make it slip off and I would go crashing to the floor. Which in reality probably wouldn’t happen unless I was super close to the floor. Now that I have put more thought into it, the worst that could really happen is I would end up in a cross ankle lay back. The uncertainty of being secure was really what was scaring me.
In class this week we were working on Star spins and Planks. Star is another fun spin that looks elegant when executed properly. I played around with Star and Plank during class separately until I saw other students creating combos with the two moves. Here’s the thing about my brain, it is not one that is quick to create combos. I have never been a great dancer or have even attempted to choreograph any kind of dance/pole sequence. This is skill that I am working on. I am a visual learner, so for me to create combos, I have to seen someone attempt something first, It then sparks an idea within me, and I am able to apply that idea to myself and my abilities to create something. At the end of class, I asked Student Sarah to take the video for me. She was chuckling at me while I was completing the combo. When I finished, I asked her what was so funny. She replied with, “You sure smile a lot when you are being recorded.” I laughed and joked that I should be all set for the Christmas show then. Here is a video of what I came up with. It is not anything super fancy, but I like it!
My plank is a little more inverted and wobbly than I would like, but I felt that it wasn’t too shabby.
Do you have your tickets??????
I have mine!!!!!
They are selling like hot cakes! Get them before they are gone!
Last Saturday my Christmas Show group met with Instructor Meegan for a private practice session. We ran through our routine a number of times. Again we made adjustments to our dance! I am loving all the doubles moves that will be in our routine.We were so busy working on our routine that I didn’t even have a chance to take any sneak peak pictures for you. 🙁 So I will improvise so that you can visualize what I am talking about. Currently I am working on being able to do a Stargazer to a Hooked Layback without putting my hand back on the pole to layback.
It is not a far drop, but it is enough to scare the pants of a person if you haven’t done it before. To make it a little more tricky this layback will be a doubles move. We are still working on to make this happen. I worked with my partner on Monday and we should be able to work out the logistics of it this coming Saturday.
This week we received an email with a potential line up for the Christmas show. Jukebox Hero routine will be closer to the end of the show! At this moment I do not have any nervous jitters but I am sure that as soon intermission is over I will be a nervous wreck! I am beyond excited that there is person to professionally do our makeup if we so choose! I will definitely be signing up for makeup! This maybe a really bad thing to say, but at this moment I am more excited for the Christmas Show than I am for Christmas. I am just so happy that I finally get to share my pole journey with some of my closets family members and friends! I also love watching all the other routines!
Until Next Time!