
It Takes Two to Tango!

Well in this case it takes two to pole! On February 9th Aerial Dance had their annual couples Valentine’s Day Workshop!!!!! When the Studio first started posting about the couples workshop, I didn’t even consider asking Steve to join me. I just figured that he would shoot me down, like the many other pole significant others I have heard about. I continued to see posts, 3 spots left, 2 spots left, and finally ONLY ONE SPOT LEFT. That’s when I decided to go for it and ask him. To my surprise he didn’t even bat an eye before saying, “let’s do it!” I couldn’t believe my ears! He actually said yes!
What really made me excited about the workshop was the song. We danced to R. Kelly’s Bump and Grind. You may think that this song choice was a little cheesy, but it helped lighten the stress of the workshop. The workshop itself was not stressful, but the thought of dancing seductively in front of your significant other in a room full of people was! I am not the most confident person to start with, now toss in my boyfriend, who I’ve only been dating for 4 months, and then ask me to be sexy on top of it….  EEEEKKK, I was as nervous as a pinata at a birthday part!
Little did I know, Steve was nervous too, but he reminded me that we were at the workshop to have a good time! His gentle reminder helped to put me at ease slightly. It wasn’t until we actually started the workshop that I let my cares go. Instructors Leah and Olivia kept the atmosphere of the workshop light and fun. I haven’t laughed that hard in a long time. The routine Leah and Olivia designed for the workshop was fun, sassy, and a little bit sexy! All of the couples seemed to have had a great time! There were couples who had been married a very long time, all the way down to relationships that were brand new! For some of the couples the workshop has become a  Valentine’s tradition and I know that I plan to attend again next year! Thank you Olivia and Leah!

A New Bond

Some of the pole students that were at the workshop I knew very well, and others I didn’t know at all. Which for me can be a little surprising at times, because I often feel like I live at the studio and see everyone. It was so nice to get to meet new people.
After we completed the couples workshop, a few couples were getting together to celebrate. They extended this invitation to all of the couples who were at the workshop.Steve and I happily accepted to tag along! My favorite part of this little get together was that I was able to get to know some of my pole sisters a little better. Once again, Aerial Dance has provided me with the opportunity to create new friendships! Ladies it was blast getting know you better!

Quick Shout Out!

I would like to just give a quick shout out the all the pole significant others who went above and beyond! It was truly wonderful to see you actively supporting your lady in her passion! You are ROCK STARS! If you had blast, please share your experience with another pole significant other! Help spread pole love on to others, it could help encourage someone else to give it a try for their lady!

Until Next Time!