
Never in my lifetime did I think that I would even attempt dance, much less aerial dance.  I would have said you are absolutely insane to think that I would be graceful enough to attempt to dance on the floor much less on a pole.  I’m the least graceful person you could ever meet, and to think I could try and take on such an art like this.  I would have definitely expected lots of injuries and bruises and zero success in the process.  To my utmost surprise with the help of a truly amazing team of instructors, I can truly say I am getting better than I ever thought I would be able to!   

Nobody at Aerial Dance shames you at all for how good or bad you are at anything, but rather stands besides you and helps you in the ways you need to be so that you can grow to your full potential!  Everyone started as a beginner, so they understand the struggle of getting started. All the instructors here are so great to work with and they are very educated on the proper warm up and cool down exercises to make sure that your body is treated the way it deserves to be and needs to be! Even the instructors were beginners once, so they really do understand what students are struggling with!

The atmosphere makes me truly feel like I am at home here and I can say I have never been really excited to work out until I started doing aerial.  There is always variety and so many new things to learn and work on that it never gets to be boring and I never find myself losing interest in coming to the classes.  The positivity in every class is contagious.  I am super excited to see where my journey will end up taking me and how much muscle and strength I can gain in the process!

I’m so thankful I found this place and I am even more grateful for everyone’s patience and kindness towards me while I am learning!  It is challenging, but with this team you can do anything!