
I, personally, enjoy new things and new challenges. I like to get myself out of my comfort zone because I have experienced how much growth can come from it. I also understand most people, however, do not enjoy that feeling. I recently went to a new class that was very foreign to me after having a less than stellar experience with it in the past. I once took a friend with me to a legitimate kickboxing martial arts class (not cardio kickboxing). It was advertised as open level and I pretty much almost got my butt kicked by a lady way older than me. Shout out to that lady, nice job!

For context, When I started pole I was not scared at all, I was so excited I could hardly contain it. So, when I signed up for a women’s self defense Jiu Jitsu class I was very nervous. I didn’t know what to expect, and on top of that was not having the greatest day, I had a million reasons to decide not to go, but inside the excited was still there and I wanted to go so bad that I didn’t let it stop me.

Guess what? It rocked! Everyone was courteous, and I learned a lot while enjoying something new and different. I was so proud of myself for pushing through the feelings of nervousness and fear and doing something for me. It reminded me of the experience that I am sure almost every single Aerial Dance student can relate to, and brought me back to that beginner’s mind. Everyone has to start somewhere, and it is okay to be nervous but it is not okay to find excuses and let them dictate your life. My question for you all is, when was the last time you stepped out of your comfort zone?