Forming a Community and Making Friends

Forming a Community and Making Friends

Finding community as an adult might be the hardest part about being an adult.  When you’re younger, your community is decided by your school, sports, or other activities your parents take you to. Theater, bowling leagues, even things like ninja gyms, all exist to...
From Aerial Dance to Flying Trapeze!

From Aerial Dance to Flying Trapeze!

When I started my journey with Aerial Dance it was ironically for something completely unconventional.  I had decided to sign up for a flying trapeze and trick riding camp on horseback in Minnesota and had only a few weeks to get physically fit...
From Aerial Dance to Flying Trapeze!

For Now, Be Here

This morning my Timehop popped up a meme I had saved from last year and it said “You will get there.  Until then, be here. This moment matters.” And my brain instantly went to aerial. Wow.  Does that statement ever scream to where I, and I’m sure many...